
Jelita AltmanJelita Altman heeft de Toegepast Psycholoog Scriptieprijs van 2016 gewonnen. Zij heeft in haar afstudeeronderzoek bij de hogeschool van Amsterdam het volgende onderzocht: Hoe 'Green School' een gedragsverandering kan bewerkstelligen onder lokale bevolking in Bali, gericht op het milieuvriendelijk en duurzaam afvoeren van gebruikte olie voor het koken. Lees hier haar Engelstalige 'abstract' van het onderzoek: 

Green oil for Green School

(Author: Jelita Altman) "Research on how Green School can establish a behavioural change amongst local people in Bali focused on disposing of used cooking oil in an environmentally sustainable manner."

Green School is famous for pioneering sustainability within education and aims to be ‘the greenest school on earth’. In response to Green School’s transportation system high school students initiated a Bio Bus, which drives solely on bio diesel made from recycled cooking oil. Sourcing and collecting used cooking oil is crucial for this programme to be successful. This dissertation presents research on how Green School can establish a behavioural change amongst local people in Bali, focused on disposing of used cooking oil in an environmentally sustainable manner so that they can reuse the oil for the Bio Bus.

Data was acquired via scientific literature review, desk research and semi-structured interviews with local Balinese people and recycling initiatives in Bali. Results of scientific literature review have been cross-referenced with results from practical research. Six tested determinants influencing environmentally sustainable behaviour play an important role in the context of disposing of used cooking oil in an environmentally sustainable manner. The current (unsustainable) way in which cooking oil is disposed of has become a deeply imbedded habit. In addition, it became evident problem awareness is very low and people do not see the benefits of disposing of cooking oil in an environmentally sustainable manner. Both, injunctive and descriptive norms play an important role, when one wishes to incite sustainable behaviour. Perceived behavioural control needs to be increased as well. Interviews with recycling initiatives endorse these findings. Last but not least, Green School should anticipate and adapt to the concept of Gotong Royong.

Green school bali

By means of an advice report students and departments involved in the Bio Bus programme will be advised on how to proceed with regard to inciting sustainable behaviour among local Balinese people in the context of used cooking oil. The advice report will accommodate previous mentioned factors.


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